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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

stoning alone in sch library again.

posted by frances_sha @ 11:07 AM  
I am stoning alone in sch library again.. before going for my QM class later at 12pm. well, i just decided that i should not drop QM. cos i think my bids isnt that high considering if I bidded for Bryan's another class, which is on mon 12pm, I wouldnt have got it cos the lowest bid is $41! haha this proves again my theory works. my analysis on a person's mentality.

well i thot, mon class shud be less popular than a wed class, so less people should be bidding for a monday class. but i think if everybody thinks like me, then everyone will go and bid for the monday class, thinking that there are lesser people bidding it and in turn, the no of people bidding the wed class will reduce. haha and its so true. and now surprisingly, Bryan class is not very exp (his class used to be v exp) now comparing to other prof's class maybe its all due to this kind of mentality also.

haiz but anyway, my ebank account is left with a pathetic $33... and if next sem i am given $100, and i would have $133 to start with, and i would need to bid 5 courses, on average, each course i can only bid to a maximum of $26.50.. and the worst thing is that when i bid this amount, my ebank will become zero!!! sianz...

Monday, August 29, 2005

Convocation 2005

posted by frances_sha @ 3:50 PM  
Went to Convo last last sat. I know its kinda slow to blog abt it now but i got no choice to do so cos i have been super busy last week due to alot of things.. entertaining my relatives coming from HK, looking thr all the past boss for bidding etc... oh ya F***.. talking abt bidding.... I am the highest bidder for QM. damn sianz. i spent so much time to study all the past BOSS results and yet i am the highest bidder. the lowest bid is 20.something and i bidded a freaking $40.57.... when i first look at the lowest bid column i was damn sian already. when i look at the next column which is the highest bidder column i was shock to see my bid is there. !!!!!!!!!!!

ok back to what i was busy last week.. hmm i got lots of things to blog abt.. but i got no time to do so. anyway now i got time to blog abt the pictures we took at the convoc last last sat...

well... this is the first time I am attending Convo cos last year i was too sick to attend. so feeling quite fresh and curious abt the whole thing when i got there.. just like my freshies.

and i saw all the friends whom i suppose to meet... ie those who is starting yr1 in SMU.. like Leemin, Lingfeng, Weilong and ah kow...

and of cos we took alot of pictures. most of them are with stepf and Heng. stepf i seldom see her online so i cant get hold of the pics. Heng, said he got problem connecting his cam to the laptop. arrghh..

well this is all i have for now...

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UNO gals power!!
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My freshie grp.... taken after everything when most of us had left. :( we took alot before the start of Convo and are all with Heng.....

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and more picssss......

:: taken with Jimmy aka the most outstanding student of the year. and his cert (actually just the folder haha) :: ME and Leemin :: Me and Buddy :: buddy and me jumping. buddy say we got the constipation look in this photo. ::

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:: me and adrian who is so niao to purposely squat down to match my height :: me and dear corinne :: Primate and me :: ah-kow and me ::

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Saturday, August 20, 2005

my Adidas Watchhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by frances_sha @ 12:07 AM  
YEAHPIEEEEEEE i finally found a pic of my dream watch - the red adidas watch that i saw ppl wearing. well one day, on my way to work on bus 86, i saw this gal wearing this red adidas watch which caught my full attention. and everytime when i walk past her, even if i am walking v fast past her.. or even rushing to alight, it just wont failed to catch my attention. well since then i think i already saw this gal a couple of times. but until now i cant recognise her face, but i can 100% recognise the watch.. hahahahah

well then yesterday i xin xue lai chao wanted to search for that watch on adidas website. but i search high and low, i even went to individual country site to search also cannot find it. I was so disappointed. then i very sian liao.. but just play play go google Image and try my luck. haha gotcha! the first picture is already my dream watch!!! then i realise that it seems that it is sold in Japan only.... i also cant find it in singapore after loooking for it for so long... :(

my dream watch...........

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i think it looks cool in yellow too!

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Green also not bad.....

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White also!! but easily stained... :(

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and it is also available in orange and blue too.....

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and while searching for the full set of colours, i come across a even more cool one. really loves this one also.........

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White looks sweettttt!!!!

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005


posted by frances_sha @ 9:11 AM  
P/S::::::: This blog is written on 17 August (Wed). but however due to my company problematic network plus my hectic work schedule, I can only post it now.

I know I have not be blogging diligently. but so what. I got nothing much to blog + no mood to blog.

ya so i really feel like blogging today bcos i have things to blog on.

I went to school yesterday for the Classroom Technical Support Training. Its a student helper thingy and its something like Work and Study scheme, but its not totally that cos the pay wasnt equally fantastic.

According to Timothy Wee from CIT, our role is:

"The goal of Classroom Technical Support is to assist the professors should they come across any difficulties in using the new Audio Visual and IT tools in class. The Helper would perform preventive checks of the tools before class to minimize any class disruption. After the class has started and if there is any tool failure, the Helper should identify the source of the problem, perform simple troubleshooting, and escalate to the CIT Help Desk team if the problem is not resolved. The Helper should fill up a simple report at the end of each class, even when there is no reported fault."

At first, I am rather attracted to the remuneration that is proposed. it was agreed that student will be paid $8.18/hr. so for a 3 hour class, we will be paid 3x$8.18. well, for student under work and study scheme, they are paid 10 bucks an hour. so this is not so fantastic, but nonetheless, i am going becos i am interested in that job so i dun bother much on the lesser pay. Moreover I think that this is an easy money bcos even if there's no problem, as long as we were there in class, we would get paid also.

When I reached there for the training, the first thing that was told to us is that instead of getting 3 hr pay per class, we are only paid HALF AN HOUR pay per class. which means from $24.54, our pay is reduced to only a pathetic $4.09, and for a 1.5hr class, we would be paid only 15 minutes which is a even more pathetic $2.045. their reason is that normally when something wrong happens, as a technical support, they would expect us to work only for half an hour. anything beyond half an hour or even less than that, and cant be solved, most probably the prof will cancel the class or shift to another SR.

I feel so damn cheated loh.

I purposely rushed my work (as i have tones of work to finish to meet the deadlines as i dun want to come back to work when sch starts) and took leave to come down to this training, and the first thing i know is a pay cut to only 1/6 of the actual pay.
They dun realise that problems dun come only within the start on the class. They also dun realise that beside being the failure in powering on the projector, there's other stuffs that I guessed the prof would EXPECT the student helper to help on things like switching from laptops to pc, or to visualiser, to virtual canvas, to VCR, to white board etc... and all these is ongoing in class.

CIT is so damn cheapo.

Well, on a happier note, I met KF today on bus yesterday. this reminds me who i met these few days. well on monday, I met JP while going for lunch. He lives nearby my office, ya.. so he's going for lunch as well. then at night, I met J.Heng at Scotts foodcourt. Coincidently both of the ppl i met are my good friends' ex-crushes. and at time I wonder will I meet my ex-crush too. haha...

hmm.. so whos ex-crush will i meet today?

Friday, August 05, 2005

new sch library

posted by frances_sha @ 12:17 PM  
okay.. i am now slacking in the Li Ka-Shing aka new SMU library... after collecting the MIC cabinet keys from SA and waiting for Adeline to finish her meeting with Geraldine so we can go rehearse at the home we are performing on Monday later.

well first time to this library.. just to check out how many more tables and PC stations are there compared to the old one.. hmm... still not bad.. there's 4 storeys, and really got quite a lot more project rooms compared to the pathetic 6 rooms at the old campus... and coincidently, today is the launch of ReadSMU.. so they are giving out a free book... wonder if i shud GP the free book? but my bag is quite full liao.. and i have a long day ahead.

well from here.. city, i need to go all the way to woodlands.. cos the home is there.. then after that got to rush to Echo music for an audition for the performance singing course.. which is at bugis.. (so back to town again) oh ya shit i haven even prac my audition song. then afte audition i will meet KF and gang to join Hillsongs in worship celebration at the Indoor Statium..

sianz.. i blog finish liao.. nothing else to blog and yet adeline is still not done. *o*

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Happy Birthday Huihui!!!

posted by frances_sha @ 4:49 PM  
its was Huihui's birthday on 2nd August...

and its the second surprise birthday celebration we had among the 4/5 of us in schneider.

in june, we celebrated wanzhen's 1st june
in august, we celebrated Huihui's...

well mine was missed out. i am so sad..... T_T

weelock.me.huihui aka bday girl.jerry
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the birthday cake...
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the present...
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i kept complaining that i do not have a proper cake for my birthday... well stupid jerry actually make me do a stupid silly thing. he re-lit the candle after huihui had blown it and ask me to blow again. wth...
so there with me huihui birthday cake in my hand...
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and we cut the cake together.....
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then i also took the opportunity to take pic with our photographer for the day... Eji san! hehe the half jap chinese mix in my company.....
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haha and not forgetting to take a pic with weelock too...
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huihui commented that weelock looks like a donkey in the photo.. haha i dun think so.. well i think it doesnt matter for me as long as i looks cute can liao.....

took this off from Hui's blog.... haha i think she really very free during her internship man. can do all these.. and i asked her is it using some software.. she say "only photoshop"... amazing.
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Wednesday, August 03, 2005


posted by frances_sha @ 10:54 AM  
Had SMUVE/Vivace on sun.. yeah! and its at city campus! well for me its also first time performing in SMU.. got to agree with IVY that its really shiok to perform there man! it kinda reminds me of my poly days where me and lingxin will perform at the atrium at NYP.. but i guess the sound system at the SMU sunken pit is much better...

well the SMUVE was kinda interesting i feel... haha all the marching in, the flag raising.. the speeches.. haha and i was just wondering where all the ballons go when they release them into the sky.... and of cos i took tons of pictures.. but not gg to post all of them lah...

of cos i took pics with the 2 ah chors.
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then i took pic with my SMU fren aka Poly fren aka schneider collegue, Huihui
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just look at the crowd that day... at the concourse....
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my fellow first-time-smu-performers in MIC! Frances-Ivy-Yutong
haha oh ya IVY suggest that me and her together with Robin and we can form our very own FIR... haha quite true...
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I think i look funky with that red ballon.. although alot of pple say that its kinda wierd and extra... haha so what.
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one of the performance pic.. love this pic alot cos 2 of us are smiling...
think i nv smile so much before when i was performing in poly back then... always v nervous.. so u see all the photos all nv smile one...
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Yutong performing her ~Silent all these years~
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then after that taking photo with my beloved Ivy at the MIC booth with our banner..
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and i take a pic with my faci gang.... i love this pic.. think its quite cool sia..
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jiahui aka my buddy.yvonne.corinne.frances

then actually also took a pic with my own freshie group as i saw them at one of the stairs.. but its taken with a freshie's camera.. so not with me now....

after vivace, UNO went to KTV... well although not the whole UNO, but its enough to experience the togetherness... yes i love the word togetherness - said by youyi....

sad enough my camera batt is almost flat by then and i can take pictures using flashlight.. so all the pic i took is rather dark....

BUdddY singing!!
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youyi rappin...
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haha ron sleeping...
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but dunno which song got ron so high... forgot which song we sang liao....he was so high that he climbed up the table!!
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this is ron, weilin, youyi and jiahui... without me and corinne in the picture. ^-^
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Monday, August 01, 2005

posted by frances_sha @ 9:37 AM  
穿越不安地带 穿越所有危险

直到你的出现 才了解
这一切 因为你而改变

You make me want to fall in love
就在这一刻 oh~ 也不管明天会如何
只要今生有你左右 陪着我不再寂寞
You make me want to fall in love
就在这一刻 oh~ 瞬间也可以是永恒
只要每个寂寞时候 爱的回忆留在我心中

就算岁月带你走 就算距离淹没我


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