Convocation 2005
Went to Convo last last sat. I know its kinda slow to blog abt it now but i got no choice to do so cos i have been super busy last week due to alot of things.. entertaining my relatives coming from HK, looking thr all the past boss for bidding etc... oh ya F***.. talking abt bidding.... I am the highest bidder for QM. damn sianz. i spent so much time to study all the past BOSS results and yet i am the highest bidder. the lowest bid is 20.something and i bidded a freaking $40.57.... when i first look at the lowest bid column i was damn sian already. when i look at the next column which is the highest bidder column i was shock to see my bid is there. !!!!!!!!!!!
ok back to what i was busy last week.. hmm i got lots of things to blog abt.. but i got no time to do so. anyway now i got time to blog abt the pictures we took at the convoc last last sat...
well... this is the first time I am attending Convo cos last year i was too sick to attend. so feeling quite fresh and curious abt the whole thing when i got there.. just like my freshies.
and i saw all the friends whom i suppose to meet... ie those who is starting yr1 in SMU.. like Leemin, Lingfeng, Weilong and ah kow...
and of cos we took alot of pictures. most of them are with stepf and Heng. stepf i seldom see her online so i cant get hold of the pics. Heng, said he got problem connecting his cam to the laptop. arrghh..
well this is all i have for now...

UNO gals power!!

My freshie grp.... taken after everything when most of us had left. :( we took alot before the start of Convo and are all with Heng.....

and more picssss......
:: taken with Jimmy aka the most outstanding student of the year. and his cert (actually just the folder haha) :: ME and Leemin :: Me and Buddy :: buddy and me jumping. buddy say we got the constipation look in this photo. ::

:: me and adrian who is so niao to purposely squat down to match my height :: me and dear corinne :: Primate and me :: ah-kow and me ::
ok back to what i was busy last week.. hmm i got lots of things to blog abt.. but i got no time to do so. anyway now i got time to blog abt the pictures we took at the convoc last last sat...
well... this is the first time I am attending Convo cos last year i was too sick to attend. so feeling quite fresh and curious abt the whole thing when i got there.. just like my freshies.
and i saw all the friends whom i suppose to meet... ie those who is starting yr1 in SMU.. like Leemin, Lingfeng, Weilong and ah kow...
and of cos we took alot of pictures. most of them are with stepf and Heng. stepf i seldom see her online so i cant get hold of the pics. Heng, said he got problem connecting his cam to the laptop. arrghh..
well this is all i have for now...

UNO gals power!!

My freshie grp.... taken after everything when most of us had left. :( we took alot before the start of Convo and are all with Heng.....

and more picssss......
:: taken with Jimmy aka the most outstanding student of the year. and his cert (actually just the folder haha) :: ME and Leemin :: Me and Buddy :: buddy and me jumping. buddy say we got the constipation look in this photo. ::

:: me and adrian who is so niao to purposely squat down to match my height :: me and dear corinne :: Primate and me :: ah-kow and me ::