Happy New Year 2008!!
heh heh.... its 2008 liao.. firstly, Happy New Year everyone...

heee.. this used to be a xmas card i made while i was in korea.. then now i just changed the words so it became a new year card hahaha..
haha can't believe it that I haven been blogging since sept 25.. tats like more than 3 months!! Can't believe I am so lazy.
And now I've been slacking (ok i am not really slacking cos i feel so busy everyday) for 1 month since i last ended my last exam. talking about last exam, haiz, I was still telling des that I wanted to blog about my last exam since i took some photos regarding exams (like the seating plan, the exam hall etc)... and then I also told yeeling that I will blog about my interesting interviews.. then I said i wanted to blog the photos I took using my bao bei canon SLR camera.. then i said i wanted to blog about my US trip(or at least finish uploading my pics for the trip) and i also said i wanted to blog about my Korea trip... hahah i can't believe i did none of them.
ok so summarise, this one month, beside finish writing that stupid 4 page comm service report (which i dragged it for 1 year hahaha), going for 2 interviews (on the same job), a 8-day korea trip, tidying my room (so that now u can only find my laptop, a calendar and a pen holder my long long table), countless times of 'IT support trips' for my parent's company... and thats all i think.. I haven even got the chance to backup my laptop so that i can format it.. I haven got the time to bring my laptop back to fujitsu since they told me that my motherboard arrived when i was half way through the term...
sianz. so many things to do yet i need to start work tmr liao... nonetheless i still feel excited over my new job.. hahaha ok will take this opportunity to blog abt my new job..
I will start working tmr at this freight forwarding company call speedmark. its a SME. chatted with a few seniors, their advice was that working in SME can be good cos normally SME working hours are more regular, and its those MNC that squeeze u to the max.. my position there is call Management Trainee but basically its Business Development and Sales.. well I am ok with doing sales only if the basic salary is high (i would consider >$2.4k high for a sales job).. haha dun like that kind where ur pay is mostly depended on commission... so poor thing lor. talking abt my work place venue.. lol its at changi Air Freight Centre.. located opp SAF ferry terminal.. thou i stay Punngol, but its not v near lor. think its even further than gg to sch... hahah lucky i asked for higher pay than what they initially told me..
Was quite happy that I got this job.. cos firstly, I din really applied for it. It came itself.. or rather I feel that it's God who gave me this job. the company got me through the resume compilation. they called me during the study week and I told them i only can attend interview after my exams.. so I attended first interview on the day after my last paper.. and i had the second interview the next day.. and I got the job liao.. really thank God! I din even need to start any job hunting at all.. dun need to write any cover letters and rewrite my resume etc...
Pay wise.. quite happy with it.. cos it came with lots of different allowances... like hp allowances, transport allowances, entertainment allowances... if u are interested to know what is my pay, can come msn me.. hahahha
hmm.. think gotta stop here. I will be having '8.30 class' everyday from tmr onwards.. so must sleep early liao. =(

heee.. this used to be a xmas card i made while i was in korea.. then now i just changed the words so it became a new year card hahaha..
haha can't believe it that I haven been blogging since sept 25.. tats like more than 3 months!! Can't believe I am so lazy.
And now I've been slacking (ok i am not really slacking cos i feel so busy everyday) for 1 month since i last ended my last exam. talking about last exam, haiz, I was still telling des that I wanted to blog about my last exam since i took some photos regarding exams (like the seating plan, the exam hall etc)... and then I also told yeeling that I will blog about my interesting interviews.. then I said i wanted to blog the photos I took using my bao bei canon SLR camera.. then i said i wanted to blog about my US trip(or at least finish uploading my pics for the trip) and i also said i wanted to blog about my Korea trip... hahah i can't believe i did none of them.
ok so summarise, this one month, beside finish writing that stupid 4 page comm service report (which i dragged it for 1 year hahaha), going for 2 interviews (on the same job), a 8-day korea trip, tidying my room (so that now u can only find my laptop, a calendar and a pen holder my long long table), countless times of 'IT support trips' for my parent's company... and thats all i think.. I haven even got the chance to backup my laptop so that i can format it.. I haven got the time to bring my laptop back to fujitsu since they told me that my motherboard arrived when i was half way through the term...
sianz. so many things to do yet i need to start work tmr liao... nonetheless i still feel excited over my new job.. hahaha ok will take this opportunity to blog abt my new job..
I will start working tmr at this freight forwarding company call speedmark. its a SME. chatted with a few seniors, their advice was that working in SME can be good cos normally SME working hours are more regular, and its those MNC that squeeze u to the max.. my position there is call Management Trainee but basically its Business Development and Sales.. well I am ok with doing sales only if the basic salary is high (i would consider >$2.4k high for a sales job).. haha dun like that kind where ur pay is mostly depended on commission... so poor thing lor. talking abt my work place venue.. lol its at changi Air Freight Centre.. located opp SAF ferry terminal.. thou i stay Punngol, but its not v near lor. think its even further than gg to sch... hahah lucky i asked for higher pay than what they initially told me..
Was quite happy that I got this job.. cos firstly, I din really applied for it. It came itself.. or rather I feel that it's God who gave me this job. the company got me through the resume compilation. they called me during the study week and I told them i only can attend interview after my exams.. so I attended first interview on the day after my last paper.. and i had the second interview the next day.. and I got the job liao.. really thank God! I din even need to start any job hunting at all.. dun need to write any cover letters and rewrite my resume etc...
Pay wise.. quite happy with it.. cos it came with lots of different allowances... like hp allowances, transport allowances, entertainment allowances... if u are interested to know what is my pay, can come msn me.. hahahha
hmm.. think gotta stop here. I will be having '8.30 class' everyday from tmr onwards.. so must sleep early liao. =(