celebration time!
yesterday was our first year anniversary. well, thou not the first relationship, but this is my first time celebrating first anniversary.. It's really an enjoyable one, although the fun part came after my CB project meeting cos have a presentation today.
nonetheless, 29th October 2006 was a superb memorable day for both of us! dar promise me that we will have a memorable sight-seeing day..
we started off meeting for a late lunch at 2plus.. and we went to Bakerzin! haha he knew that I've been longing to eat there, so this is quite expected..

after lunch, we went to a place which I have been longing to go too, after looking at Eileen's picture on her friendster. The DHL balloon!!! thou now the haze has gone down, but still the pictures are damn blur.. kind of feel that its not worth it.. but still i enjoy the ride with dar! the scenary is still great enuff, still breaktaking! not too rocky, but still will swear from time to time. Some people are so funny that when we asked them to help us take a picture, she say sorry she can't cos she can't move. LOL~

next we gotta meet aries to get the MIC keys from her. so off we went to The Cathay cos she was there, watching movie with her beloved new "boy toy", the small ears, aka racoon small ears aka winston. LOL!!! new nick invented by me! yeah! haha yeap, if i din mentioned this before, winston and aries is the 3rd couple of SMU MIC. lol.. marcus is getting worried as he told jessie, our president, that we should stop avocading romances in the club. hahahaha

anyway, at the cathay, we've got not much to do cos the beloved newly formed couple haven't finish their movie, so we went to shop around. and so we happen to go in to the known-to-be-biggest-in-asia The Addidas Flagship store. well, dun think its really big thou. moreover, so what with biggest-in-asia? they dun have sizes!! their biggest gal size is 34.. (wth) & men's biggest size is only Small. (wth square). we are rather disappointed, cos we really like one of the jacket very much, and thought that it will be even more meaningful if we could get them on this special day. however, they dun have the right sizes, so we shall wear on the under-sized jackets and take a picture with them.. hahaa.. anyway when we left the store, the store assistant suggest that we make a trip down to their suntec store cos there might be stock over there..

when we finally met aries, we're off to our dinner place.. with regards to the venue, dar kept his mouth sealed right till the end.
I was as excited as a little gal when i was there. LOL but on the other hand, i was not happy with dar cos he nv remind me to wear nice nice. then make me wear so awkard there.. with my bertula slippers.. argh!! nonetheless, I was really gan dong.. and we took lots of pictures there! even in the toilets. really really a nice place.

after dinner, dar decided that we should hop down to suntec since its quite near, to get our addidas jackets.. when we got there, we are so disappointed that the gate was already pulled half down.. haha.. but thanks to my super naggy persuasion, they let us in.. well, its quite a big business leh. 2 adidas jackets.. LOL... anyway, thanks to its ulu location, sizes are available there! and we finally gotten our adidas jackets as we conclude the day of celebration... :)

this is a collage of all the da tou zhao we took.. haha notice that all da tou zhao we took is forever with me on the right and dar on the left!!
nonetheless, 29th October 2006 was a superb memorable day for both of us! dar promise me that we will have a memorable sight-seeing day..
we started off meeting for a late lunch at 2plus.. and we went to Bakerzin! haha he knew that I've been longing to eat there, so this is quite expected..

after lunch, we went to a place which I have been longing to go too, after looking at Eileen's picture on her friendster. The DHL balloon!!! thou now the haze has gone down, but still the pictures are damn blur.. kind of feel that its not worth it.. but still i enjoy the ride with dar! the scenary is still great enuff, still breaktaking! not too rocky, but still will swear from time to time. Some people are so funny that when we asked them to help us take a picture, she say sorry she can't cos she can't move. LOL~

next we gotta meet aries to get the MIC keys from her. so off we went to The Cathay cos she was there, watching movie with her beloved new "boy toy", the small ears, aka racoon small ears aka winston. LOL!!! new nick invented by me! yeah! haha yeap, if i din mentioned this before, winston and aries is the 3rd couple of SMU MIC. lol.. marcus is getting worried as he told jessie, our president, that we should stop avocading romances in the club. hahahaha

anyway, at the cathay, we've got not much to do cos the beloved newly formed couple haven't finish their movie, so we went to shop around. and so we happen to go in to the known-to-be-biggest-in-asia The Addidas Flagship store. well, dun think its really big thou. moreover, so what with biggest-in-asia? they dun have sizes!! their biggest gal size is 34.. (wth) & men's biggest size is only Small. (wth square). we are rather disappointed, cos we really like one of the jacket very much, and thought that it will be even more meaningful if we could get them on this special day. however, they dun have the right sizes, so we shall wear on the under-sized jackets and take a picture with them.. hahaa.. anyway when we left the store, the store assistant suggest that we make a trip down to their suntec store cos there might be stock over there..

when we finally met aries, we're off to our dinner place.. with regards to the venue, dar kept his mouth sealed right till the end.
I was as excited as a little gal when i was there. LOL but on the other hand, i was not happy with dar cos he nv remind me to wear nice nice. then make me wear so awkard there.. with my bertula slippers.. argh!! nonetheless, I was really gan dong.. and we took lots of pictures there! even in the toilets. really really a nice place.

after dinner, dar decided that we should hop down to suntec since its quite near, to get our addidas jackets.. when we got there, we are so disappointed that the gate was already pulled half down.. haha.. but thanks to my super naggy persuasion, they let us in.. well, its quite a big business leh. 2 adidas jackets.. LOL... anyway, thanks to its ulu location, sizes are available there! and we finally gotten our adidas jackets as we conclude the day of celebration... :)

this is a collage of all the da tou zhao we took.. haha notice that all da tou zhao we took is forever with me on the right and dar on the left!!