First MIC activity rocks!!
Last friday was MIC first activity cum investiture.. yoohoo.. the turnout is so much better than expected!!
We booked half of the minds cafe!!

Group Pic!!!!

haha and i compared it with last year's one.

why is there such a big difference? this co-hort everybody loves KTV is it??
anyway we had ktv session from 3.30 to 5pm, afterwhich we went to minds cafe and at about 8.30pm we went back to school to sing another round of KTV again..

the new KTV system rawks lah! can sing whenever we want. and the SR screen is big! u pay a membership fee and u get to enjoy unlimited ktv singing.. how rawks rite.. membership fees is only $10 for first time and $5 for annual renewal. interested in joining MIC? pls tag at the tag board k!
and btw, Virtuoso 06 is still available for registration! register with me!!! there are over $12K of prizes to be won! and all finalist will get free professional vocal training from Universal! spread around the news!
We booked half of the minds cafe!!

Group Pic!!!!

haha and i compared it with last year's one.

why is there such a big difference? this co-hort everybody loves KTV is it??
anyway we had ktv session from 3.30 to 5pm, afterwhich we went to minds cafe and at about 8.30pm we went back to school to sing another round of KTV again..

the new KTV system rawks lah! can sing whenever we want. and the SR screen is big! u pay a membership fee and u get to enjoy unlimited ktv singing.. how rawks rite.. membership fees is only $10 for first time and $5 for annual renewal. interested in joining MIC? pls tag at the tag board k!
and btw, Virtuoso 06 is still available for registration! register with me!!! there are over $12K of prizes to be won! and all finalist will get free professional vocal training from Universal! spread around the news!