.MIC.results.life. [long post]
yeah! des postponed his flight cos his internship is postponed by one week. now flying on 11may instead.
haiz had a small quarrel and unhappiness over this matter thou.
cos initially he dun intend to postpone his flight, even thou his another working partner, mq, who will be working on the same proj as him is changing her flying date. well i kinda feel that he dun seem to dun bear to leave singapore at all. erm or me. or whatever. like mq will say like "yeah, i wanna postpone my flight cos wo hen she bu de." well maybe thats becos mq is gal. well but are all guys like that huh?? well.. anyway he still changed his flights in the end... hahahha
then i am also not doing any 3A anymore. yeah! decided not to take up comp simulation. cant stand YKK teaching sia. he really dun teach one. hahaha anyway in the first place why i wanna take CS is bcos i left 4 mod and my gpa is currently 2.98. so die die must go pass 3.0 when i grad. and for me to grad with 3.0, i think must get all the remaining 4 mods B or B+... which i am not v confident in..... moreover, when i say all B, its when i put quite optimistic results for my this sem mods. so if my this sem results wasnt as good as what i thot it will be, then maybe i need to get like 4 A- to get to 3.0. which is crazy. so i was thinking of taking CS, hopefully i can score an A like my BP like that. so i was waiting for my results to come out, so like if my results were even better than what i planned, then i dun take CS.. if my results are worst than what i planned, then i need CS.
haiz, but then until the start of the summer class, i only knew 2 out of 5 of my results! damn. and one of them i score better than expectation, the other is lower than my expectation. lol so how? then some more after 2 crash classes, i think its impossible to get A for CS lor. everyone in my class seems so zai. i think at most i only get a B+ for it. then whats the point of spending this $800 on top of my $3000++ sch fees next term?! then somemore, i think i'll sure be darn slack next term if i only take 3mods, cos i've been taking 5 mods since like 2 years ago.. think suddenly drop to 3 mod, i will be too slack, then i wont study, then i will flung everything... hahaha
of cos last reason of not taking is cos of the timing lah. m,w,f 8.30am leh. can die lor. hahaha nonetheless, i think CS is really useful. if its offered in normal term, i confirm take one. so sad only avail in summer.
yeah talking about results..... by now, gotten back 4 out of 5 mods. still not bad, so far this 4 right, 2 got better than what i expected, one within expectation and one below expectation. the one below expectation is SP. haiz scored a B for it and was in the 13percentile lor.. wth... was hoping a B+ and so i went to look for the prof with Merrylyn....
he told me that actually i did ok. exam ok, project also ok.. and i am close to B+... so whats the prob? its peer evaluation. cos our marks for projects are derived by multiplying the percentage u get for ur peer evaluation and the marks the grp get for the project. he said the whole class almost everyone else got 100% for their peer evaluations. so only our grp. there are marks left on the table like that.... haiz we din take note of that. and our SP grp dynamics are damn jialat. some grp member always din turn up for proj and always dun wanna co-operate. its not that i din do my work and get a lousy peer evaluation and end up with a lousy score. but what can I do? so i pointed out to the prof the flaw in the peer evaluation system, hoping that he can pull me up to B+.
"well, i feel that this peer evaluation is not really accurate in calculating a grp member's effort in the group. cos honestly speaking, IF i am the free rider, when i am doing the peer evaluation, i jolly well know that I will be marked down. so if it doesn't make sense if i give others a high score. since I know that people will mark me down, then might as well i mark ppl down first."
i truly believes that's the reason why i am so-near-yet-so-far from my B+...
but the sucky prof replies are:
"well, this boils down to how u manage a group..."
dotz leh. this is SERVICE PROCESSES. not mpw or what. talk about people management eh. and seriously i think he take this evaluation too seriously. and its really so unfair to the few of us where we worked so far and yet being pulled down by this kind of ridiculous thing...
haha anyway here are some pics taken during the MOCK camp last week...... some really damn funny.
des, winston and kaykey doing a forfeit... singing twinkle twinkle little stars...... hahaha

then having our lunch at sakae sushi... we how rox rite. haha camp lunch at sakae.. haha thats the good thing about city campus. haha camp here and everything is around you. but really feel abit weird when we dress in "camp attire" then we walk from sch to PS...

we did the human star...

piling the balloons......


and on the actual day...........
our juniors, future leaders of MIC!

evidence of theft..... no lah we got return in the end k. borrow only.

juniors playing the balloon game. i think they are damn smart.. hahhaa all sit in a circle..

group pic of everyone during the trip to Sentosa on sunday!

haiz. and finally our last dinner together as a MIC exco member. Jessie and I treat the whole exco to crab dinner at Melben seafood at AMK... cost a bomb, but i think its worth it since none of them eaten there before and everyone say it taste great!
hahaha and we took a pic. yeah. before we start eating. cos my emphasize on the food mah. really spent alot leh. so must really take pic of the food.

haiz aries and jer they all are blogging about how sad they are that their exco-ship had come to and end.... hmm.. somehow i dun feel as sad.. maybe cos too tired? haha 2 years in exco leh. not kidding. but i must say 4th exco really rox!!!! u guys left a foot print in my life.... and i think i will never forget MIC 4th exco....
haiz had a small quarrel and unhappiness over this matter thou.
cos initially he dun intend to postpone his flight, even thou his another working partner, mq, who will be working on the same proj as him is changing her flying date. well i kinda feel that he dun seem to dun bear to leave singapore at all. erm or me. or whatever. like mq will say like "yeah, i wanna postpone my flight cos wo hen she bu de." well maybe thats becos mq is gal. well but are all guys like that huh?? well.. anyway he still changed his flights in the end... hahahha
then i am also not doing any 3A anymore. yeah! decided not to take up comp simulation. cant stand YKK teaching sia. he really dun teach one. hahaha anyway in the first place why i wanna take CS is bcos i left 4 mod and my gpa is currently 2.98. so die die must go pass 3.0 when i grad. and for me to grad with 3.0, i think must get all the remaining 4 mods B or B+... which i am not v confident in..... moreover, when i say all B, its when i put quite optimistic results for my this sem mods. so if my this sem results wasnt as good as what i thot it will be, then maybe i need to get like 4 A- to get to 3.0. which is crazy. so i was thinking of taking CS, hopefully i can score an A like my BP like that. so i was waiting for my results to come out, so like if my results were even better than what i planned, then i dun take CS.. if my results are worst than what i planned, then i need CS.
haiz, but then until the start of the summer class, i only knew 2 out of 5 of my results! damn. and one of them i score better than expectation, the other is lower than my expectation. lol so how? then some more after 2 crash classes, i think its impossible to get A for CS lor. everyone in my class seems so zai. i think at most i only get a B+ for it. then whats the point of spending this $800 on top of my $3000++ sch fees next term?! then somemore, i think i'll sure be darn slack next term if i only take 3mods, cos i've been taking 5 mods since like 2 years ago.. think suddenly drop to 3 mod, i will be too slack, then i wont study, then i will flung everything... hahaha
of cos last reason of not taking is cos of the timing lah. m,w,f 8.30am leh. can die lor. hahaha nonetheless, i think CS is really useful. if its offered in normal term, i confirm take one. so sad only avail in summer.
yeah talking about results..... by now, gotten back 4 out of 5 mods. still not bad, so far this 4 right, 2 got better than what i expected, one within expectation and one below expectation. the one below expectation is SP. haiz scored a B for it and was in the 13percentile lor.. wth... was hoping a B+ and so i went to look for the prof with Merrylyn....
he told me that actually i did ok. exam ok, project also ok.. and i am close to B+... so whats the prob? its peer evaluation. cos our marks for projects are derived by multiplying the percentage u get for ur peer evaluation and the marks the grp get for the project. he said the whole class almost everyone else got 100% for their peer evaluations. so only our grp. there are marks left on the table like that.... haiz we din take note of that. and our SP grp dynamics are damn jialat. some grp member always din turn up for proj and always dun wanna co-operate. its not that i din do my work and get a lousy peer evaluation and end up with a lousy score. but what can I do? so i pointed out to the prof the flaw in the peer evaluation system, hoping that he can pull me up to B+.
"well, i feel that this peer evaluation is not really accurate in calculating a grp member's effort in the group. cos honestly speaking, IF i am the free rider, when i am doing the peer evaluation, i jolly well know that I will be marked down. so if it doesn't make sense if i give others a high score. since I know that people will mark me down, then might as well i mark ppl down first."
i truly believes that's the reason why i am so-near-yet-so-far from my B+...
but the sucky prof replies are:
"well, this boils down to how u manage a group..."
dotz leh. this is SERVICE PROCESSES. not mpw or what. talk about people management eh. and seriously i think he take this evaluation too seriously. and its really so unfair to the few of us where we worked so far and yet being pulled down by this kind of ridiculous thing...
haha anyway here are some pics taken during the MOCK camp last week...... some really damn funny.
des, winston and kaykey doing a forfeit... singing twinkle twinkle little stars...... hahaha

then having our lunch at sakae sushi... we how rox rite. haha camp lunch at sakae.. haha thats the good thing about city campus. haha camp here and everything is around you. but really feel abit weird when we dress in "camp attire" then we walk from sch to PS...

we did the human star...

piling the balloons......


and on the actual day...........
our juniors, future leaders of MIC!

evidence of theft..... no lah we got return in the end k. borrow only.

juniors playing the balloon game. i think they are damn smart.. hahhaa all sit in a circle..

group pic of everyone during the trip to Sentosa on sunday!

haiz. and finally our last dinner together as a MIC exco member. Jessie and I treat the whole exco to crab dinner at Melben seafood at AMK... cost a bomb, but i think its worth it since none of them eaten there before and everyone say it taste great!
hahaha and we took a pic. yeah. before we start eating. cos my emphasize on the food mah. really spent alot leh. so must really take pic of the food.

haiz aries and jer they all are blogging about how sad they are that their exco-ship had come to and end.... hmm.. somehow i dun feel as sad.. maybe cos too tired? haha 2 years in exco leh. not kidding. but i must say 4th exco really rox!!!! u guys left a foot print in my life.... and i think i will never forget MIC 4th exco....